Busi­ness is my expertise

I have been working for 18 years in the con­sul­ting busi­ness and for about 33 years in inter­na­tio­nal busi­ness. As exper­ti­se for you – with exper­ti­se in terms of a com­bi­na­ti­on of broad expe­ri­ence, count­less natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal cont­acts, many long-term part­ners in various Euro­pean count­ries, and last but not least, pro­fes­sio­nal methodology.

Phra­sing stra­te­gies in simp­le sen­ten­ces, can be dif­fi­cult. I try any­way it: my exper­ti­se is geared at pro­mo­ting your growth – with solu­ti­ons that are as uni­que and spe­ci­fic as your company.

So if you are loo­king for part­ners to acce­le­ra­te your growth, new mar­kets, new cus­to­mers and new pro­jects I am your right choice.

I work for you per­so­nal­ly; wit­hout juni­or con­sul­tants, wit­hout unneces­sa­ry over­heads, in a nuts­hell – lean and efficient.

I speak to the right peo­p­le for you, the decis­i­on-makers; main share­hol­ders, C‑level mana­gers, seni­or mana­gers, always the appro­pria­te level.

My exper­ti­se will open the right doors for you; in Aus­tria, out­side of Aus­tria and the other way around – into Austria.

I am inde­pen­dent, no strings atta­ched. Your satis­fac­tion is my only inte­rest, no hid­den agenda.

A clas­sic fin­ding of 33 years working in inter­na­tio­nal busi­ness: enga­ge befo­re mar­ry­ing. So plea­se take a look at our refe­ren­ces and case stu­dies that my part­ner Emil Weber and I have been sup­port­ing for 18 years. Ask me or our cli­ents. And give me suf­fi­ci­ent time to get to know you and under­stand your needs. My busi­ness model includes risk sha­ring with our cus­to­mers, i.e. a major part of my fees is per­for­mance-based. Becau­se I think that’s fair

Jean-Luc Dau­tri­at

My cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on:


Cur­ri­cu­lum vitae (PDF): CV_­Jean-Luc-Dau­tri­a­t_EN


+43 (664) 5166156

I have been working in the con­sul­ting busi­ness sin­ce 2002, tog­e­ther with Emil Weber, as a part­ner and a foun­der at/of VENTACC, WEDO and M27. My cli­ents com­pri­se an array of inno­va­ti­ve com­pa­nies in various indus­tries, e.g.

  • AVI (con­s­truc­tion)
  • BIOMÜHLE (food)
  • CPB (soft­ware for banks)
  • DISTILLERY KRAUSS (pre­mi­um spirits)
  • FUCHS (metal)
  • GK Hol­ding & 3i iso­let (con­s­truc­tion)
  • GROSSEGGER (medi­cal)
  • ICG (manage­ment consulting)
  • IRO (non­pro­fit organization)
  • KATZBECK (windows/doors)
  • MKE (high pre­cis­i­on parts)
  • MONA (food)
  • TELEHAASE (elec­tro­nics)
  • WOHNNET (real estate web platforms)