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Reti­red foun­ding partner

Born : 1953 in Toron­to / Canada

Public school in Cana­da, Eng­lish as mother ton­gue. Stu­dies in Vienna/Austria, 1976 Mas­ter of Com­mer­cial Sci­ence; first pro­fes­sio­nal employ­ment as Pro­duct Mana­ger at UNILEVER (deter­gents); inte­rest in tech­no­lo­gy, the­r­e­fo­re IT-trai­ner and sales mana­ger in the PHILIPS orga­niza­ti­on. In 1985, first job as MD, at MICROCOM, one of the first PC sys­tem hou­ses in Austria.

The inter­na­tio­nal busi­ness care­er com­men­ces as head of Mar­ke­ting & Sales at VICAM, the glo­bal lea­der in CAD/CAM sys­tems for the foot­wear indus­try. Fur­ther steps include the manage­ment of the Inter­na­tio­nal Task Force for auto­ma­ted lea­ther cut­ting for the auto­mo­ti­ve indus­try under the con­trol of ATOM/Italy, and final­ly the manage­ment of the lar­gest export area at AKG, part of the Ame­ri­can Har­man Group.

In 1997, Weber heads into con­sul­ting, initi­al­ly as part of RWR, then tog­e­ther with Jean-Luc Dau­tri­at as a part­ner and MD of VENTACC, WEDO and M27.

His long cli­ent list focu­ses on inno­va­ti­ve and dyna­mic Aus­tri­an com­pa­nies, in various industries:

  • Bern­dorf Bäder­bau (steel swim­ming pools)
  • Bie­ling & Pet­sche (cut­ting dies)
  • checkpointmedia.com (mul­ti­me­dia)
  • KAPSCH (elec­tro­nics)
  • KATZBECK (windows/doors)
  • MAN (trucks, spe­cial vehicles )
  • MKE (high pre­cis­i­on parts)
  • PORR (Con­s­truc­tion)
  • RIEGL (Laser Technology)
  • The Brain Com­pa­ny (health web platforms)
  • VOEST Trai­sen (metal casting)
  • WOJNAR (food)

and many more.

Tog­e­ther with Jean-Luc Dau­tri­at, Mr. Weber hea­ded the con­sul­ting bou­tique EXPERTISE until June 30th, 2016.


+43 (699) 11339258

Sky­pe: emil.weber.expertise

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Cur­ri­cu­lum vitae (PDF): CV_E­mil-Weber_EN

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