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Inte­rim manage­ment and res­truc­tu­ring requi­re expe­ri­ence, know­ledge and matu­ri­ty. Becau­se we are often tal­king about pain­ful chan­ges in enter­pri­ses, which requi­re a rare com­bi­na­ti­on of being asser­ti­ve and per­sua­si­ve, invol­ving empa­thy and tact.

We belie­ve that cus­to­mers, mar­kets, mar­ke­ting & sales, pro­ducts and inno­va­ti­on are the dri­vers of any suc­cessful com­pa­ny – and focus on the­se topics. If the­se issues are on track, the long-term cor­po­ra­te finan­cing fol­lows orga­ni­cal­ly. In case neces­sa­ry, we take care of short-term bridge and refinancing.

We con­cen­tra­te on:

[list_item icon=“fa-check-square”]Marketing (models, pro­ces­ses, HR)[/list_item]
[list_item icon=“fa-check-square”]Distribution (models, pro­ces­ses, HR, stra­te­gic accounts)[/list_item]
[list_item icon=“fa-check-square”]Export (models, pro­ces­ses, HR, stra­te­gic accounts)[/list_item]
[list_item icon=“fa-check-square”]Short-term refinancing[/list_item]
[list_item icon=“fa-check-square”]Long-Term Growth Financing[/list_item]
