Case stu­dy: inte­rim manage­ment online services


Upper­aus­tri­an niche play­er in web platforms

Com­pa­ny Size:

10 Employees

Natu­re of the con­sul­ting project:

Inte­rim management


Web plat­forms to increase cogni­ti­ve, emo­tio­nal and phy­si­cal performance

Tar­get markets:

Ger­ma­ny, Aus­tria, Switzerland


The com­pa­ny has been deve­lo­ping and mar­ke­ting sys­tems for the psycho-social care of demen­tia pati­ents for over 10 years. Now it was neces­sa­ry to dif­fu­se this know­ledge into other rela­ted are­as, gene­ra­te new pro­ducts and busi­ness models and deve­lop the appro­pria­te inter­na­tio­nal mar­ke­ting stra­tegy. The aim of the acti­vi­ty was to struc­tu­re the approach for Ger­ma­ny and Switz­er­land, to win the first refe­rence cus­to­mers for the new mar­ket seg­ments (Dys­le­xia; cor­po­ra­te employee´s health pro­gram­mes), and ensu­re the long-term cor­po­ra­te finan­cing for the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the inter­na­tio­nal growth strategy.

The result is a com­ple­te mar­ke­ting and sales plan­ning, based on the com­pre­hen­si­ve busi­ness plan, inclu­ding sales and finan­cial plan­ning as a basis for an appro­pria­te cor­po­ra­te finan­cing; are the first cus­to­mers (trai­ners and con­sul­tants, publishers, cor­po­ra­ti­ons), busi­ness deve­lo­p­ment part­ners and lar­ge pro­ject part­ners (e.g. from the phar­maceu­ti­cal industry).

Chal­lenges (and their solutions):

The addres­sed mar­ket seg­ments are gro­wing rapidly , but web solu­ti­ons for the addres­sed pro­blems are not yet wide­spread. In order to achie­ve rapid mar­ket pene­tra­ti­on, signi­fi­cant invest­ments in M&S are requi­red. Finan­cing this is the main chall­enge. As long as this is not fina­li­zed, the pace of mar­ket deve­lo­p­ment will be slow.

Cus­to­mer benefits/success of inte­rim management:

LOI of an insti­tu­tio­nal inves­tor has been nego­tia­ted and is due to be signed short­ly, the first sales in the new fields of busi­ness have been con­cluded, num­e­rous con­tracts and cont­acts with dis­tri­bu­ti­on and OEM partners.