(R)evolution: to do other­wi­se to do better?

Picture one of our ancestors, a Homo erectus e.g. which, despite the Latin and somewhat peremptory name, we like to believe not as intelligent as we are. He would come from Africa of course. He would have forgotten to follow his comrades more…

Tomor­row alre­a­dy starts today

We all have different calendars, different celebrations, different faces, different beliefs and convictions, speak different languages, have different cultures, do not have the same perspective, including when we look at each other, one at the…
Weihnachten bei Expertise

Christ­mas at expertise

It is the first Christmas for us here at expertise. We are really looking forward to this season of joy. And we are especially excited about the prospects of 2015; fascinating projects, new challenges, and rewarding relationships with people…

My grant diary

The Austrian Federal Government let the pet project of our former vice- chancellor Pröll (not the one with the trademark hairstyle) fall asleep gently - the reform of our infamous jungle of grants, aiming at simplification and transparency.…
Paris: Eifelturm

On the way to Paris, Ô Jour d’hier!

On the way to Paris, Ô Jour d’hier! Paris, Ô Jour d’hier!.... What is hidden behind this cryptic wording? It may sound strange but it is French, or almost ... Paris aujourd'hui today and hier yesterday? Oui! But how? Business is good,…