Tomor­row alre­a­dy starts today

We all have dif­fe­rent calen­dars, dif­fe­rent cele­bra­ti­ons, dif­fe­rent faces, dif­fe­rent beliefs and con­vic­tions, speak dif­fe­rent lan­guages, have dif­fe­rent cul­tures, do not have the same per­spec­ti­ve, inclu­ding when we look at each other, one at the other right in the eyes, sin­ce each per­son sees the other‘s face. We’­re all dif­fe­rent. And that’s fine so. What would be the mea­ning of a sin­gle-colou­red rain­bow? It is this diver­si­ty that makes our beau­ty and our strength. And tho­se of our planet.

Pro­tec­tion­ism, popu­lism, stig­ma­tis­a­ti­on and extre­mism, from all sides and in all forms, crawl cun­nin­gly or accom­pa­nied by bar­ba­ri­an voci­fe­ra­ti­ons like sorcerer’s app­ren­ti­ces to their future pup­pets, most of the time with a hid­den face to con­ce­al their cowar­di­ce and their lies. Skin reac­tions to real pro­blems. Words of hat­red vomi­t­ed, per­ni­cious and nau­sea­ting dem­ago­gy. Mani­pu­la­ti­on of the other’s angu­ish and sly alche­my of the unbrid­led aggressiveness.

All women and men of good­will, and they are still the vast majo­ri­ty, have rol­led up their slee­ves to hand back all this hass­le of hat­red and stu­pi­di­ty to the place they should never have left, i.e. in a gar­ba­ge pail. We are going to fight, not by hands, but by acts. Indi­vi­du­al­ly and coll­ec­tively. To fight not against but for.

On the black­board of the school of life, dir­tied by the­se moulds, we will app­ly the full ran­ge of colours, all dif­fe­rent: hand­shakes, hugs, com­mon joys, thanks, laugh­ter, smi­les, humour , lis­tening to each other, respect for each other, try­ing to under­stand each other, having a per­so­nal opi­ni­on, our own desi­res as the one and only ener­gy drink, spea­king smart­ly to each other wit­hout sup­po­sin­gly smart tools, spea­king to each other smart­ly in our towns and vil­la­ges, which should beco­me human befo­re beco­ming smart, brin­ging all lost out of the bot­tom of their cave to get rid of the shadows they have seen and show them a pie­ce of blue sky. And step by step era­se the­se moulds. Ever­yo­ne at his level, mode­st­ly but with strength. A work of ants, neces­sa­ry and urgent. Dai­ly. Wit­hout nai­ve­ty, but with deter­mi­na­ti­on and rea­lism. Feet on earth and head in the stars.

It is urgent to take the time to do so. We’re start­ing right away. Alre­a­dy today. Not by big meanin­g­less words, but by litt­le deeds. For exam­p­le a small let­ter laun­ched like a bot­t­le in the sea.

Litt­le Prin­ce, plea­se (re) draw Huma­ni­ty for me.