(R)evolution: to do other­wi­se to do better?

Pic­tu­re one of our ances­tors, a Homo erec­tus e.g. which, despi­te the Latin and some­what per­emp­to­ry name, we like to belie­ve not as intel­li­gent as we are. He would come from Afri­ca of cour­se. He would have for­got­ten to fol­low his com­ra­des more…

Tomor­row alre­a­dy starts today

We all have dif­fe­rent calen­dars, dif­fe­rent cele­bra­ti­ons, dif­fe­rent faces, dif­fe­rent beliefs and con­vic­tions, speak dif­fe­rent lan­guages, have dif­fe­rent cul­tures, do not have the same per­spec­ti­ve, inclu­ding when we look at each other, one at the…
Weihnachten bei Expertise

Christ­mas at expertise

It is the first Christ­mas for us here at exper­ti­se. We are real­ly loo­king for­ward to this sea­son of joy. And we are espe­ci­al­ly exci­ted about the pro­s­pects of 2015; fasci­na­ting pro­jects, new chal­lenges, and rewar­ding rela­ti­onships with people…

My grant diary

The Aus­tri­an Fede­ral Govern­ment let the pet pro­ject of our for­mer vice- chan­cell­or Pröll (not the one with the trade­mark hair­style) fall asleep gent­ly — the reform of our infa­mous jungle of grants, aiming at sim­pli­fi­ca­ti­on and transparency.…
Paris: Eifelturm

On the way to Paris, Ô Jour d’hier!

On the way to Paris, Ô Jour d’hier! Paris, Ô Jour d’hier!.… What is hid­den behind this cryp­tic wor­ding? It may sound stran­ge but it is French, or almost … Paris aujour­d’hui today and hier yes­ter­day? Oui! But how? Busi­ness is good,…