On the way to Paris, Ô Jour d’hier!

Paris: Eifelturm

On the way to Paris, Ô Jour d’hier!

Paris, Ô Jour d’hier!.… What is hid­den behind this cryp­tic wor­ding? It may sound stran­ge but it is French, or almost … Paris aujour­d’hui today and hier yes­ter­day? Oui! But how?

Busi­ness is good, espe­ci­al­ly when you can do some. Cul­tu­re is also good, espe­ci­al­ly if spot­ligh­ted from an unu­su­al ang­le. What about a com­bi­na­ti­on of both, e.g. busi­ness mee­tings in Paris on Thurs­day and Fri­day and art and cul­tu­re on Satur­day and Sunday?

When was the last time you spent a weekend, that you still che­rish in your memo­ry? A weekend tog­e­ther with your part­ner or with fri­ends? Isn´t it high time to get out of the treadmill?

If you ans­wer the ques­ti­ons at the end of each para­graph with yes, we have the appro­pria­te offer for you — Paris yes­ter­day, for part­ners and fri­ends of today.

Bespo­ke, pre­mi­um, unfor­gettable. Paris from a cul­tu­ral, social and his­to­ri­cal per­spec­ti­ve, as a bridge bet­ween today aujourd’hui and yes­ter­day hier. A jour­ney through the streets and sights of Paris, whe­re the soul of each stone opens up and an unex­pec­ted Paris is reve­a­leda bridge bet­ween Paris and your home city.

Ajou­ter deux let­t­res à Paris: c’est le para­dis”, “Add two let­ters to Paris and it is para­di­se” said Jules Renard, one of the grea­test French wri­ters. We are even wil­ling to give you three let­ters for you to dis­co­ver this para­di­se. The first trips are sche­du­led for late May, the next ones for July / August / Sep­tem­ber 2014. And you can still shape it the way you want. Are you won­de­ring how? Then do not hesi­ta­te to cont­act Jean-Luc Dau­tri­at now by email at jean-luc.dautriat@ expertise.co.at or on his mobi­le pho­ne +43 (664) 5166156

On the way to Paris, Ô Jour d’hier!