Croa­tie: aides aux ent­re­pri­ses et finance­ments de projets

Vous cher­chez une aide finan­ciè­re pour vot­re filia­le ou/et pour vot­re pro­jet en Croa­tie, membre de l’U­ni­on Euro­pé­en­ne depuis 2013 ?

Dans cet artic­le, nous vous pré­sen­tons briè­ve­ment le cabi­net de con­seil avec qui nous tra­vail­lons en Croa­tie, men­ti­onnons quel­ques-unes de ses réfé­ren­ces et vous don­nons un bref aper­çu des dif­fér­ents pro­gram­mes actuels, sus­cep­ti­bles d’êt­re inté­res­sants pour vot­re ent­re­pri­se et/ou vot­re projet.

Ces infor­ma­ti­ons sont en ang­lais, ce qui faci­li­te­ra une éven­tu­el­le com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on future pour un pro­jet con­cer­nant vot­re socié­té dans ce pays.


Con­sists of seve­ral sea­so­ned experts in the field of grants and incen­ti­ves. The mem­bers are espe­ci­al­ly com­pe­tent for Croa­ti­an govern­men­tal funds. One knows the Croa­ti­an glass­works regi­ons well, ano­ther is useful in the petro­che­mi­cal sec­tor, sin­ce he work­ed as a for­mer manage­ment board mem­ber of the Croa­ti­an elec­tric com­pa­ny. While not direct­ly invol­ved in that indus­try, he knows it very well. The team is for­med and led by an Ame­ri­can con­sul­tant, who has been working in the West Bal­kans for over 10 years. He is an expert for EU grants and co-funding.

Gene­ral over­view of grants and incen­ti­ves in Croatia

Manu­fac­tu­ring moder­niza­ti­on and extensions:

incen­ti­ves are available if they crea­te jobs. Tan­gi­ble and intan­gi­ble invest­ments qua­li­fy as do gross wages for two years. Invest­ment must be main­tai­ned for 3–5 years depen­ding upon the size of the firm invol­ved. In addi­ti­on, tax incen­ti­ves are available. Trai­ning and employ­ment incen­ti­ves, too.

Ener­gy savings:

a num­ber of sources inclu­ding incre­asing­ly EU funds local­ly admi­nis­te­red. Co-finan­cing available for docu­men­ta­ti­on and imple­men­ta­ti­on of ener­gy-saving mea­su­res, inclu­ding spe­ci­fi­cal­ly con­ver­si­on to rene­wa­bles. EBRD and others are fun­ding co-gen, alt­hough pri­ma­ri­ly for local govern­ments. Inte­rest-free loans are also available as are ESCO pro­grams with HEP and pri­va­te par­ties (not aid, but still worth not­ing). Solar is not worth loo­king at, becau­se the feed-in-tariffs are­n’t good, but wind and some forms of bio­mass are, pro­vi­ded that you can get the fuel. We have serious experts for this who know all the rele­vant peo­p­le and programs.


Local incen­ti­ves are scar­ce, EU — H2020 the man source to be aimed at.

Refe­ren­ces cor­po­ra­te invest­ment projects

The fol­lo­wing are some of the ongo­ing pro­jects. They give a good indi­ca­ti­on of what kind of grants are available  and the ran­ge of volu­mes. The­se are EU grants admi­nis­te­red by the Croa­ti­an government.
The expert who prepared/assisted in pre­pa­ring the­se appli­ca­ti­ons has a gre­at deal of expe­ri­ence in working with Croa­ti­an govern­men­tal enti­ties, inclu­ding in par­ti­cu­lar tho­se pro­vi­ding offi­ci­al finan­ce to local and for­eign companies.

  • Antun Augut­inčić Gal­lery Recon­s­truc­tion pro­ject (Klan­jec). Grant 98% of the pro­ject value (EUR 8 Mil­li­on) — Pro­ject in progress
  • ZMH HORVAT – Con­s­truc­tion and deve­lo­p­ment of the new pro­duc­tion and logi­stic cen­ter, Kon­jšči­na. Pro­ject total value EU 3,5 mil­li­on (grant 35% accor­ding to Grant rules) – Pro­ject pas­sed the eva­lua­ti­on stage and is In con­trac­ting stage.
  • Pro­ject Lea­der for 5 appli­ca­ti­ons for various indus­tri­al sites – total value EU 15 mil­li­on – expec­ted grants 35%–45% of the total pro­ject value.

Refe­ren­ces EU projects

We have been invol­ved in seve­ral grant pro­jects fun­ded by EU-authorities:

  • Trai­ning of manage­ment con­sul­tants to ICMCI stan­dards (2009–2010)
  • Export Pro­mo­ti­on Con­sul­tancy (2008–2010)
  • Facul­ty for manage­ment – Impro­ve­ment of the work envi­ron­ment (2008–2011)
  • FP7 appli­ca­ti­on (2011) (pre­pared, but not awarded)
  • Assis­tance to young busi­ness researchers(2008–2013, 2009–2014)
  • P1a, P1b, P2 pro­jects of the Slove­ni­an Enter­pri­se Fund
  • Dec­ent­Work (EEA NorwayGrants)
  • EUROSTARS (2012)
  • Cen­ter of Excel­lence COBIK (2009–2013)
  • PACINNO (IPA Adria­tic, 2013–2015)

Refe­ren­ces public authorities

We work for and sup­port seve­ral insti­tu­ti­ons in Croatia.

  • Eas­tern Euro­pean Con­s­truc­tion Fore­cas­ting Association
  • Kra­pi­na-Zagor­je County
  • FER (local engi­nee­ring and com­pu­ter sci­ence faculty)